Pomerania in the 20th Century – From The Great War to Present Times
State Museum Greifswald
With the completion of the new section, the State Museum in Greifswald completes its permanent exhibition.
The section focuses on the period from World War 1 to the Schengen Agreement in the context of West and East German history and the relationship with Poland.
Wars, exodus and displacement, system changes and major social transitions finds expression in the fractal exhibition architecture.
The circuit gains its drama from the sequence of staged visual axes and large-scale images as well as the presentation of artifacts related to the history in combination with art works.
Numerous testimonial interviews with contemporary witnesses provide an independent narration format and allow an interpretation from different points of view.
Felix Becker, studio211
Monika Richter, buerofuervisuelles
Till Beckmann, Projection „Shores of Hiddensee“
Sylvia Steinhäuser, Jeff McGrory, Projection „Pommern – Pomorze – Land by the Sea“
Credits: Norman Posselt, Ulrich Schwarz